Tales of a Traveling Airbrush

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Nelson Driver Bikes Blues & Bar B Que

Bikes, Blues & Bar B Que
Re; Nelson Driver

Better Business Bureau,

July 25,2010

Dear BBB,

Thank you for your help with receiving the security deposit that is several years overdue as was promised by the motorcycle event; Bikes, Blues & Bar B Que facilitator, Nelson Driver. Please let me give you some background so that my position as a participant in this dispute is clear.

Watching hand painted designs come to life on a motorcycle, is a form of entertainment that is appreciated at biker events that include value added services for the patrons to enjoy. I am an artist and Letterfly Pinstriping and Mural Art Design Services has built a reputation built on integrity, high quality and uncanny design sense in the motorcycle industry with the primary focus of being a true blessing to everyone on the planet. True to my focus, I have prepared this informative response to your query.

The Pinstriping service that I take to events such as Bikes, Blues & Bar B Que does not generate any trash. Everything that is transported into the venue is loaded again and travels to the next location with the exception of the miniscule amount of paint that becomes the one-of-a-kind artwork that has been hand-applied to the motorcycles that participating patrons have commissioned. I sell no inventory. I have no cups, wrappers or wire ties in any of my belongings. Occasionally a drop of paint falls to the ground but since I move a rubber floor to work on in my workspace, that occasional paint drop would also move with me to the next town.

Each day during BB&B, I personally picked up the beer cups and trash that had blown into my display and placed them in the trash receptacles like I do at all the events I attend. Upon completion of the event, during load out, one last review of my area provided an additional opportunity to pick up beer containers and trash that I did not generate or consume but had traveled into my space.

What I have found during several decades of being a servant to the motorcycle culture in venues all across the country is that there are a variety of attitudes coming from the persons that promote and manage these events and these attitudes typically reside somewhere between two extremes.

1) The Wholesome Extreme; these promoters recognize prosperity comes with providing a mutually beneficial retail environment and an interesting variety of wholesome products, services and entertainment available to the patrons. Regard for others permeates throughout all the interactions with these groups, integrity is a big part of their method of operation. Please allow me to add that a universally functional spiritual dynamic also shares this premise.

2) The Greedy Extreme; a selfish need for power drives the behavior of these bullies that have a distortion of integrity and ethics that began to erode long ago, probably when they got away with stealing a nickel piece of candy. Dysfunction spreads from these individuals like an epidemic through management, coordinators, suppliers, vendors, hospitality industries and restaurateurs, and trickles down into the trenches where one-on-one grumbling takes place. Unchecked and driven by this greed, gouging becomes a notorious part of the function. This progresses through the growth portions of the event and fees increase to the breaking point when decline begins.

Interestingly, the “Big Three” of the biker events are all drying up due to greed. They became to only game in town and accumulated the power to crush all adversaries. As overhead at these events rose, the little people dropped out due to crippling costs and only large corporations could assume the vacant positions. The event then had a different face. The evolution into a cold, money driven enterprise lacks regard for the community, who resist, or empathy for the patron, who gives up, until it reaches the breaking point and enters into decline.

I am sharing all this information in an effort to enlighten Nelson Driver and other interested persons, as to where the litmus paper test of intention will eventually go. Nazi Germany began by suppressing the retarded and the queer, and from there…

I realize that I am truly powerless over the behavior and the perception of the treatment that accompanies a simple act of faith that Mr. Driver was going to actually do what he said he was going to do. I can only influence to behavior of Letterfly as I conduct my business in an honorable fashion. Letterfly operates with integrity and I respectfully continue to request the same from Nelson Driver as $200 remains due as was contractually promised.

As I wait patiently for completion of this transaction after many repeated personal attempts with Nelson Driver, and embrace the opportunity for clarity that this mediation with the Better Business Bureau is providing, I would like to conclude this reply with an enlightening fact; and that is, that there is nothing, I repeat, NOTHING manly about beating up an artist.


Dave “Letterfly” Knoderer


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