Tales of a Traveling Airbrush

When I write up one of my more memorable masterpieces, or some of my various memories, I will post them here for you to enjoy. Comments are welcome; I'll try to reply.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Three Butterflies

Each morning at a motorcycle rally starts with a simple routine of putting out the photo books and literature for the customers and making sure my paints and brushes stand ready. Knoxville is not only home of beautiful scenic roads to tour on two-wheels, but also, this time of year, the national HOG rally is going on and Letterfly is right in the middle of everything, set up in the Knoxville Harley-Davidson parking lot.
One morning, when the opening procedure was complete and the first bike waited for some pinstripes and skulls, standing in my booth, I paused to appreciate the overall picture. I saw three butterflies traveling through the venue, mostly interacting with each other, flying a tight formation that, if tracked, the paths would have resembled woven loops, and the zigzags of a roller coaster. These three were enjoying each other. They flew right up to me and one of them landed on my hand and the other two continued flying the concentric erratic circles around their companion while she took a break.
Startled at first, I was quickly complimented to be included in the group.
“Hi you guys,” I thought as I studied the facial features and the big eyes on my little companion. Most interesting was the coiled up mouth probe she used to get the nectar from a flower. The beautiful wings had a colorful autumn colored pattern that, thanks to the opportunity for close inspection, had a dusty, pixely texture caused by the small overlapping bits of color that made up the delicate wings.
After a few moments it became apparent that my little friends liked it here and intended to stay for a while. I had one on my hand and two fluttering around but I had work to do. Reluctantly I raised my hand up to a convenient edge of a display panel to provide an alternative perch for my little friend and she took the hint but, rested and ready, resumed her flight with her escorts and as I watched, their path went over into the trees and foliage that edged the parking lot.
What a wonderful experience I thought, as I searched for some significant meaning for the episode.
As the bike rally progressed, I reunited with numerous friends from Iowa, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Georgia and other states as I created original designs and artworks on an endless stream of bikes.
Mid afternoon the next day, as I maneuvered back to the paint kit in the center of the booth, I startled a butterfly that had returned to hang around. I wondered if it could have been the same one. Now that I was aware of her presence I froze to give her space and after a moment she settled back on my kit. I telepathically addressed her and she seemed to perk up her head and acknowledge me. As I went back to creating beauty on gracefully formed painted and chromed steel, she continued her visit and stayed quite a while.
I am very fortunate to have found a path to peace. I am so grateful for the little things that occur, and for the ability to notice them. In the immediate moment I am easily able to remain immersed in the beauty around me. I credit some of the magnificent works of art for my customers as one benefit of being on this path and they, like the butterfly, in turn, take these works and their Letterfly experience to the four corners of the earth.
Pause to look around this day and perhaps you too will find and enjoy the beauty that is all around us.


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